Monday, December 17, 2018


Food & love are equal food gives love & love gives food. You make love with food & you make food with love. We learned as a kid some of us on spongebob that what makes a a Krabby patty good is making it with love when spongebob faced in a challeng with king Neptune. Love is what makes something beautiful because when you understand the feeling of love that is time & patience and perseverance you understand that it makes anything better. When you make food with the items you love you get a well result instead of doing just because you have to.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


Working in li circles has helped me because it lets me come up with more ideas as a group. 3 techniques are comparing ideas, creating a google doc & reading together looking for important things that’s belong to us as a Rolex in the lit circle

Monday, December 10, 2018


I’m thinking about coffee at first I didn’t like coffee but it wasn’t that long ago when I actually gave it a good try and now I think I’m addicted. When I drink coffee in the morning I really feel my eyes opening up like if I’m actually waking up instead of feeling like a zombie so coffee is great

Monday, December 3, 2018


My goal for the end the trimester is to try to not get any F’s in any of my classes and I know it will be hard but I need to stop being lazy and start to do my school work

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Success has different definitions for everybody but if there was one definition that HAD to be chosen it would be having something completed. Success is different for everyone because one cause being successful for one would be having a lot of houses or someone else would say being successful would be having a family or having a lot of money(etc).

Friday, November 9, 2018


The thing I found the most interesting was how they were talking calmly and the guy is a straight killer he murders people so it was pretty surprising. I also found interesting how they went in well in their conversion. And also how the murderer treated the bishop like a normal man and he didn’t like show him the extra respect over being holy to the church

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Les mis pg 18/20

There was this one guy that was a good guy he gave to the rich, poor, needy & he shows how he goes to the bishop and all that.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Les Mis

It means that as long as problems are in the earth the book like les mis should exists because they relive stress like that

Friday, September 28, 2018

The Kidnapping

It was a dark night & I stop to gasp for air. I stand next to a tree Andy look around me quickly. My house was 45 minutes far & I had no idea how I was going to they there so quickly before day time. I knew I had to look for a place to stay & sleep. I look around and crossed the freeway to find a lit up gated community in the distance. I knew that was a good place to stay so I run to it crossing the sand & the soccer field where all the big leagues came to play at. As soon as I was about to cross the street I see one of the guys ! As fast as I could I run back to the soccer field and my plan was to hide under the bleachers but as soon as I get there I saw the guy in the black hood . I then ran back to the woods where all the trees were at & felt a vicous grab on my leg. Someone was pulling me back really fast and I couldn’t turn around. When they slowed down I get the chance to turn around and then saw a black stick and get knocked out. I woke up in a cold room tied to a chair, blood on the floor, crack in the walls Andy one light above me. One guy comes to me and picks up a magazine from the table. I tried to get up but they tied me really tight. He asked me who I worked for and my boss’ name. I wasn’t going to answer hm honestly so I kept quiet. He asked one question after questions and I would keep quiet but it was all for my boss. The man had a beard and he had lot of bruises and hits on his hands like if he’d been punished. He hit me many times & made me bleed. My boss was a good man just did bad things. He helped me out when I was poor, me & my family. We had little money & had to work to make just enough money to eat barans & rice everyday. He helped us out and look at us living in Hollywood because of my work and boss. He asked me one last question, what was my boss’ name & his location I told him ‘ kill yourself’ then he pointed his long pistol at me & I saw the devil’s face laughing at me. Then I woke up from a dream.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

My big question

My big question is how did we get here ? How was life before the very first person was here. Also how did the very first person get here how were the planets & stars created and if it was a god who created it then who created the god. Who is the creator of all in humanity ? And what if this was all a game like what if there was no life what would we be doing ?

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


I do like action when things are fast example, like in a soccer game the last 2 minutes things get very intense especially when it’s a tie. I did not take much notes during the English period & I blame tht on me for tunning out but I like plot. I like it when the story knows what it’s doing it gives you clues about bigger clues that later on in the story make big sense to what you wanted to know.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Life & death essay

Life is a gift From God which he gives to you but death can also be a gift because it’s god taking your life Swamy which will take you to heaven. In lie Death is considered a bad thing but in reality my opinion is death is a long break from hell. Life is a gift depending on the way you treat it but nobody’s life is perfect in this world everyone has to struggle everyday it’s how we learn.

Life is a gift from God that he gives to you to take care of to not play around he throws you in the world to see how long you can last to see if you learn anything. He surrounds you around  good people and the devil surrounds you around bad people. But for those who don’t believe in those things life is a way for you to learn. If you start off in heaven everything isn’t good and it’s not how it’s supposed to be like in life you have to experience, working hard, death from your loved ones, struggle, and responsibility. Life is a way to experience it’s the beginner level to your adventure .

Death is God taking your life away understanding that once you understand the way or have had enough he takes your spirit away to take full care of you. But death is many understandings is a bad thing, but death could be very peaceful, your life slowly going away can be peaceful. Death is bad for those of your loved ones because it impacts them worse than the word death, but there are those who understand of it as just peaceful

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

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